Open All Pay Auction | Hosted by Glo Foundation | 100% of Auction Proceeds Donated to DeFiScan
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By clicking on the "BID NOW" button below, you aknowledge this is an "All Pay" auction, and you agree to Paddle Batte Terms & Conditions. You will be redirected to Yodl to complete your bid.
All Pay
All bidders pay - whether or not they win the prize. No refunds. See "Rules" below.
Top up your bid by making additional payment(s) from the same address.
If there is a bid in the final 5 minutes, the auction will be extended 5 minutes.
The highest bidder will receive 100 Glo Dollars (USDGLO) on the chain of their choice: Ethereum, Celo, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Stellar, or Base.
Glo Dollar (USDGLO) is a 100% fiat-backed stablecoin which donates all profits to public goods and charities. Learn more at glodollar.org.
Impactful Project
100% of auction proceeds donated to DeFiScan.
DeFiScan evaluates how decentralized a DeFi protocol is by assigning a centralization risk score (High, Medium, or Low) and placing it into a stage of decentralization. It focuses on formalizing the steps DeFi protocols take to eliminate risks like central dependencies and permissions. This provides a clear and verifiable way to track the maturity of DeFi technology. Learn more at defiscan.info.
All bids are publicly visible at all times. Check The Paddleboard and onhain to see the bids.
All Pay
Bidders place their bid(s) by paying the bid amount. Bidders pay regardless of whether or not they win the prize. (This differs from traditional auctions, in which only the winner pays.) No refunds.
Yodl Link
All bids must be placed via the Yodl link accessible from the "BID NOW" button above.
Minimum Bid & Increments
The minimum bid is $1. All bids must be at least $1 higher than then previous high bid.
Top Ups
You may top up your bid by making an additional payment from the same address.
End Date & Time
The auction will end on 21 January 2025 at 17:15 GMT - or at the end of Popcorn Bidding.
Popcorn Bidding
If one or more bid is placed in the final 5 minutes, then the auction will be extended for an additional 5 minutes.
This will continue until there is no bid in the final 5 minutes.
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